
Can you make custom RNA synthesis that is 195 nucleotide?

There are two way we can provide RNA synthesis with length that is 195 nucloetide in lenght. Methods of RNA synthesis we use depending on the sequence composition, yield requiremnts. Two methods we can provide this 195 mer RNA. 1) chemical RNA synthesis method 2) RNA synthesis by transcription. Chemically synthesized RNA descrease with yields as increasing in length. Oligo under 100 nucleotide is much easier to scale up to multi-gram quantity than over 100 nucleotide in length and cost is extremely high for chemical RNA synthesis. In some cases, RNA synthesis by transcription provide a better alternative especially with sequence longer than 200 nucleotide in length. RNA synthesis by transcription enable us to provide customer with single RNA sequence up to 10,000 nt. due to the extremely high processivity and fidelity of bactgeriophase polymerases used in the process.