Custom RNA Synthesis
Unmodified RNA Purification

  • NO Setup Fee
  • Deprotected, Desalted and Ready to Use
  • QC by Mass Spectrometry MALDI-TOF, HPLC or PAGE
  • Guaranteed Yields and Turnaround

All RNA oligonucleotides are packaged using our proprietary RNaseSAFE™ service, in which RNA oligos are packaged in RNase free matrix tubes to prevent degradation during shipping and storage. This standard service safeguards the biological activity of RNA oligos.

RNA Oligos 100 nmol 250 nmol 1 umol 5 umol 10 umol
Guaranteed Yields 5 ODs 20 ODs 45 ODs 200 ODs 425 ODs
RNA Oligos $6.50 $8.50 $18.00 $60.00 $110.00
2'-OMe-RNA $8.50 $13.50 $20.00 $85.00 $160.00
2'-F-RNA $25.00 $25.00 $35.00 $95.00 $165.00
3rd generation Base-mimics Inquire Inquire Inquire Inquire Inquire
Chimeric DNA $1.00 $1.00 $1.99 $9.99 $17.99
Annealing $35.00 $55.00 $50.00 NA NA

Available Lengths: RNA oligos are available from 10-80 bases for 100 nmole, 5-90 bases for 250 nmole and 1 µmole, and 5-50 bases for 5 µmole and 10 µmole
for sequence >90 bases please contact us for quote and specified deliverable amount.

Related Products:

* Chemical Long RNA Synthesis up to 250 base
* Long RNA Transcripts >1000 bases

Large-Scale RNA Synthesis

BSI continues the tradition of providing researchers with the highest quality RNA oligonucleotide synthesis, in quantities ranging from multi-mg to several grams. RNA analogs and chimeras are now available from 10 micromoles up to 10 grams! Contact us for more information.

siRNA Arrays

Your siRNA array is available in 96-Well-Format with oligos 10-20 bases at 1 ODU deprotected and desalted dry or in liquid format. Ask for details.

RNA Purifications 100 nmol 250 nmol 1 umol 5 umol 10 umol
RNase-Free PAGE $105 $135 $190 $395 $625
RNase-Free IE HPLC $85 $115 $160 $340 $590
RNase-Free RP-HPLC $85 $115 $160 $340 $590
RNase-Free Dual HPLC $135 $165 $225 $540 $785
RNase-Free Dual PAGE & HPLC NA $195 $295 Inquire Inquire
  • Guarantee is for 20 to 50 bases in length. Purity and yield guarantees may vary due to oligo length, modifications, or sequence composition.
  • An additional 1-2 days of turnaround time is required for purifications.
Click here for recommended purification and applications!

Purifications Yields of Unmodified RNA 100 nmol 250 nmol 1 umol 5 umol 10 umol
RNase-Free PAGE 0.5 ODs 2 ODs 8 ODs 35 ODs 65 ODs
RNase-Free IE HPLC 1 ODs 4 ODs 20 ODs 85 ODs 160 ODs
RNase-Free RP-HPLC 1 ODs 4 ODs 20 ODs 85 ODs 160 ODs
RNase-Free Dual HPLC 0.5 ODs 2 ODs 8 ODs 35 ODs 65 ODs
RNase-Free Dual PAGE & HPLC NA 1 ODs 4 ODs 20 ODs 35 ODs
  • Guarantee is for 20 to 90 bases in length. Purity and yield guarantees may vary due to oligo length, modifications, or sequence composition.
  • An additional 1-2 days of turnaround time is required for purifications
Click here for recommended purification and applications!