DNA Analysis
NEBcutter Restriction Analysis

NEBcutter is an on-line tool for restriction mapping nucleotide sequences that also features identification of non-overlapping ORFs.

Watcut Restriction Analysis

Alternative restriction enzyme analysis..

Reverse Complement

Convert DNA sequence data to it's Reverse Complement.

Raw Translation of DNA

Translate DNA sequence in all 6 possible frames.

Formatted DNA Sequence Translation

There are two sites you can use. The preferred one is located at www.justbio.com. You will need to register yourself with this site before you can use this tool and you must use Internet Explorer V5.5 (or better) or Netscape V6 (or better). This facility allows translation of DNA sequence in one, or more frames. The output is formatted as free text amino acid sequence as well as DNA sequence plus the aligned translation. This utility is a useful and fast way to format your sequence following an Open Reading Frame analysis.

Graphical Open Reading Frames Analysis at NIH

Graphically identify ORFs within DNA sequence data.

Identification of Prokaryotic Promoters

A neural network based program to find possible transcription promoters. From the Berkley Drosophila Genome Project


Screens DNA sequences for interspersed repeats and low complexity DNA sequences. Multiple sequences may me submitted in FASTA format


Find inverted and tandem repeats in sequence data.

Codon usage table analysis

Java Script Oligo calculator (Netscape V2 or better).

Graphical Codon Usage Analyser

Differences in codon usage among organisms can lead to a variety of problems concerning heterologous gene expression. The GCUA tools display the codon bias in a graphical manner.