
Do you assist in design and synthesize an antisense oligo for knockdown experiment?

We do not offer design but do offer some guidance in choosing your sequences. Antisense oligonucleotides were originally designed with the standard phosphodiester bonds between each base. Because the oligos were degraded by nucleases very fast, phosphorothioate bonds were added to the oligos to prevent the degradation. There are two ways to incorporate phosphorothioate backbones: 

  • Full linkages - every nucleotide bond in the backbone is thioated
  • Chimeric partial linkages

Because thioate bonds can increase the toxicity to the cell, researchers began just putting two or three thioate bonds on both the 3' and 5' ends of their oligos. For more information about the different types of bonds you can use in your antisense oligo, please contact us here!